Stop smoking permanently. If you are 100% ready to quit one session is highly successful. Quit smoking effortlessly.
After the session you will no longer have the need for a cigarette. This includes vaping and cannabis.
One session can truly benefit you to reduce cravings for junk food. You will no longer have the need to snack. More sessions are usually required to reach your full potential to tackle emotional eating, overeating, metabolism and motivation to exercise.
Eliminate or reduce physcial or emotional pain that your body doesn't need. Pain is usually present to tell us something is wrong but quite often we store unneceessary pain in our bodies. Combining EFT with hypnosis is very effective in pain management.
Gain more confidence in any area of your life. Know that you can and will suceed when your mind is in the right place. Start to feel amazing about yourself and start living your life. Having confidence is key and so important for your mental health. From social situations to public speaking Belief Coding boots your confidence to another level.
Overcome any emotional issues, anxiety, stress, depression, guilt and grief. Let go of anger or suppressed feelings. You can be free from panic attacks and crippling anxiety forever. Overcome any trauma. Belief Coding is highly sucessful for any form of anxiety and being relaxed in your own mind.
We are only born afraid of two things in life. The fear of falling and loud noises. Any other fear or phobia is a product of our environment and can be eliminated. Overcome the fear of flying, learning to drive, needles and injections, water, spiders or any irritional fear you may have. Have freedom from the fear of public speaking. I have had fanstastic results with needle phobias with clients now been able to have Covid injections.
Restore your sleep patterns to sleep soundly. Do you find it hard to fall asleep or hard to stay asleep? Do you wake too early or wake up during the night?
Belief Coding is excellent for sleep issues.
Overcome addictive behaviours like gambling, shopping, sex, self harm or any problematic addiction. These can be overcome with Hypnosis and Belief Coding
Enhance your performance and perform to the best of your abilities. Learn a technique that you can do before or during your sport to instantly boost your confidence.